![]() This month, The Art Ed Blogger's Network is writing about STEAM/Art Integration. Join us on the first Tuesday each month for new projects, ideas, and inspiration. Participating Art Teacher Blogs:
A crankie is an old storytelling art form. It's a long illustrated scroll that is wound onto two spools. The spools are loaded into a box which has a viewing screen. The scroll is hand-cranked while the story is told. It can be accompanied by a narrative, song or tune. The workshop and project are making curriculum connections to literacy, math, music, drama and art! Students started to create their own collaborative scrolls this week. A variety of short folk tales were sifted through to pick the groups inspiration for their crankie. Students started by storyboarding the scenes of the story and dividing it into at least 10 scenes. The art classes are working on 11 different scrolls and will work next week to create artwork on the 25 foot scrolls. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and our efforts to present our Crankies in an after school performance with the drama department on March 20, 2018! For more information on Crankies check out The Crankie Factory The guest artist visit and the collaborative project with drama & art students was funded through a Harrisonburg Educational Foundation grant awarded to our librarian, Sandy Parks, drama educator Rebecca Rogers, Choral educator Deborah Mongold and resident Art Lady Ms Kincaid March is Youth Art Month! The month will be filled with wonderful activities, art shows, presentations and opportunities to share your appreciation for art work. WEEK #1 ![]() Tuesday March 6, 2018, 7pm at the School Board Meeting the following students will be recognized for placing in the Virginia Youth Art Month Flag Design Contest: Madison H., 8h grade Middle Level 1st Place Anish A., 7th grade Middle Level 2nd Place Saturday, March 10th, 2018 1-3pm All are invited to the YOUTH ART MONTH ART Show & Reception Massanutten Regional Library ![]() The following students have art work currently on display at the library throughout March: Sixth Graders: Julie B., Jenna G.,Tzeviya M., Lena B. Seventh Graders: Julia O., Jolie S., Madelyne Y., Anish A., William W., Edgardo G., Marilyn C., Abigail K., Riley T. Eighth Graders: Aiyanna S., Madison H., Johana A., Francesca M., Leon Z., Sophia A. ![]() Personally, I will have 30 pieces of 6x6"art-work created in thirty days in Jan-Feb 2018 on display at the VMRC Parks Gable Gallery through the month of March. The series of paintings represents my family tree from my own self portrait through ancestors who migrated to North America in the mid 1600's-1700's. Advisory groups school wide will be invited to help pick a favorite artist during the month of March.
Each day, I will share two competing artists and will gather votes via a daily google form ballot! Thank you for your continued support of our artists and they would all love to have you show your support by stopping by the art shows!
The Virginia Art Education Association hosted the first annual social media event to share art, moments of creating, appreciating and visiting art. Virginians shared on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #artacrossva18. It was a wonderful way to Kick-off Youth Art Month by glimpsing into art classrooms, galleries and museums around the state for a day!
Below are a few of the wonderful posts from around Virginia. Thank you to all who shared! |
AuthorArt lady Archives
April 2018